Some unfortunate news...

So I'm sure you all have noticed the lack of new pages for this comic, and I apologize for those who have you been waiting for  months.

And the reason for that is kind of simple, I just lost motivation on continuing to work on this.

 For the past 4 years since I started in 2020 I was able to make a good number of pages for it being my first, but that's the problem with a comic like this, it was my first and I was admittedly too ambitious.

I didn't properly plan out how each chapter would go along with the length of how long each one takes. I was still in university back in 2020 so I wasn't a professional on doing a comic that has 5 chapters each for 3 volumes.

And with that, instead of remaining silent on the current status of this project I decided to pull the plug and cancel the comic. 

I'm sorry for those who want to know what happens to the cast in this comic and have been waiting for months for new content, but there is some good news.

Taking what I learnt about pacing and writing in general I'm currently planning on doing two manga style comic projects, first a one-shot as a trail run to learn how to do proper paneling, page layout and pacing and the second another long series, but this time I'm actually writing them down and have transcripts prepared.

If you're interested to see what I'm cooking you can follow updates on my NSFW account on Twitter (Obviously you have to be 18+ to go follow me) And you can also follow me on Bluesky as well if you want (Also 18+)

Not to mention I'm also running my own YouTube channel now, mainly doing videos about the games I play and like to talk about, so if you're looking for new videos to watch while eating lunch, come on over!!

That's all I have to say and thank you for your understanding, stay tuned for new projects that I will definitely do better on (And hopefully complete) and have a good night. See ya!

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